Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Typical Day

5am- wake up, get dressed, hopefully have enough time to grab some sort of sustenance for breakfast, and run out the door
7am (sometimes 7:15..depending on my morning and my 45 minute commute)- get to work. The next 9+ Hours I will be plugging away
9am- 2 cups down of office it Friday yet?!
1pm- lunch, either something thrown in a bag from home, or a walk through the Office parking lot to Baja Fresh, or if I am feeling fancy, The Stand.
1:30-4pm- woooorrrkkk it Friday yet?!
4pm- drive home. And by the time I get there, if I am feeling up to it, will take some of these for an outfit post...

My notification popped up this week from The Knot that the big day is in 10 Months! so I have been fitting in a few more runs in my week as well. So the outfits I am in all day are quickly thrown off in exchange for this

4 miles later, a quick shower and blowdry and these Twinkle Toes of mine are off to a glass of wine.
My days are blending together and my life is starting to resemble the Sugarland song Something More...
"There's gotta be something more
Gotta be more than this
I need a little less hard time
I need a little more bliss
I'm gonna take my chances
Taking a chance I might
Find what I'm looking for
There's gotta be something more"

My mind is always wandering off thinking of what I want to do in this next stage of my life..the question on my mind constantly is what do I want to be when I grow Up? ;)

Anyone else planning a different adventure in life?


  1. I LOVE this post Jillian! The first part gave me flash backs of my life pre landyn eek! :/ And that SONG is my favorite and SO my life too :) 10 months WOO HOO! Cant wait for the big day!

  2. I looove your running outfit. Don't be surprised when Wils and I come driving through your neighborhood to honk and whistle!
